You've Been Blessed - The Fun Christian Almsgiving Activity for Lent!

Are you looking for a fun almsgiving idea to do as a family, or to share with your church congregation? You've Been Blessed is a fun giving activity for friends, family, your community, neighbours or even strangers. A fun way to celebrate Lent and to practice kindness and giving. Surprise someone special with a blessing ; a tasty treat or something fun and let them know they have been blessed! Can you do it without being noticed?

You've Been Blessed - The Fun Christian Almsgiving Activity for Lent!

Ready to surprise someone special with a blessing?

Simply prepare a gift basket, or a little homemade surprise, and package it up with the printable poem and sign all about their blessing. It'll give instructions on how they can pass on a blessing and keep the circle of giving going spreading positivity and joy from your simple act of kindness. Lovely.

Ready to get started?

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