Are you looking to add a little friendly competition to your Bible study, church group, Sunday school or family gathering? These printable Bible quizzes will test your knowledge of the Bible and popular phrases - how many of these Bible rebuses (often called dingbat puzzles) can you correctly answer?
What is a dingbat?
A dingbat is a puzzle, or riddle, in which a word or phrase is represented by a combination of symbols, words or letters. They often use a mix of clever word play, similar sounds, positioning of words or pictograms.
Here are a few examples :
p walk ark - looking at the positioning of the words the word 'walk' is placed in the middle of the word 'park'. The solution is a walk in the park.
Picture of an ape + X - the solution is apex
Pot 00000000 - Looking at the clue you see the word pot and eight 0's. The solution is potato.
Are you getting the hang of things?
Let's try a few Bible dingbats a go.
How many of these puzzles can you correctly answer?
Answers below.
Bible Dingbat Quiz Answers
- Forgive and Forget
- The First Born
- Jacobs Ladder
- High Priest
- Passover Lamb
- Our Daily Bread