Do something different for your children on their birthday this year and setup a outdoor scavenger hunt in your garden - a full race and adventure in search of clue cards and surprises. Join us as we share some fun outdoor scavenger hunt riddles and some tips to setup a successful outdoor scavenger hunt at home.

Tips on settings up a successful Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
Preparation is key for a successful scavenger hunt. You'll want to make sure you have collected all your clues, have planned your route and made a note of each of the solutions in advance. The good news is we've done all the hard work for you with our outdoor scavenger hunt. It comes with all the instructions you need and our suggestion for a fun route but if you are making your own at home here are a few things to bear in mind.
Spread your clues, if you can. Scavenger hunts are the most fun when racing from one spot to another. Bearing this in mind spread out your clues as much as possible from one area of the garden to another.
Don't make it too easy. Be sure to hide your clues to make sure kids really have to search for them. If the clue solution is a flower bed, for example, why not hide a card in a flower pot on in some soil to extend the excitement and prolong the fun.
Free Outdoor Scavenger Hunt Clues
Here are some of our favorite clues we like to use in an outdoor scavenger hunt. I hope you'll really enjoy them with your family - let us know in the comments below.
Answers below.
Clue 1
I'm long, thin and coiled like a snake. Turn me on when it is hot and you are starting to bake.
Clue 2
I make music for you out in the yard. I'm loudest when the wind blows hard.
Clue 3
Fill me with seed and hang me up high. I'll bring birds down from the sky.
Clue 4
Climbing me can be quite a lark. I'm not a dog but do have bark.
Clue 5
Coal in my belly, steel on my feet. When I get hot it's time to eat.
- Hose
- Wind Chime
- Bird Feeder
- Tree