Inviting kids to your wedding? Excellent, they are bound to make your day extra special. To make sure they have a great time without disrupting your other guests give these fun printable wedding games a go. The perfect way to keep them occupied and happy during your big day.
5 Fun Printable Children's Wedding Games Guaranteed To Keep Them Happy
Wedding Treasure Hunt
Send kids on a wedding treasure hunt. Can they find someone wearing stripes? Something pink? Something heart shaped? A food they have never tried? A handmade sign and more? This illustrated wedding scavenger hunt is great activity over cocktail hour or for the evening party after your meal.
Wedding Photo Challenge
30 different themes and topics to take photos of. Matched with a disposal camera this is great way to create some memories and make keepsakes of your big day. The creative prompts range from happiness, something new, nature, joy, sweet treat, laughter, from afar, love and more.
Wedding A-Z
Give these to kids at the start of your big day and challenge them to find a wedding themed word for each letter of the alphabet? A game that promotes creative thinking and requires detective works. This should keep them busy for a while.
Wedding Art Treasure Hunt
Spark their curiosity with this art wedding treasure hunt - can they find and draw each item on the list? From two people holding hands, something heart shaped, a flower that hasn't bloomed yet, a decoration taller than them, something tasty and more. You could give out prizes for the most creative drawings, post the completed sheets on a pin board for everyone to see or share party bags for those taking part.
Creative Wedding Games
This fun bundle includes 10 pages of creative challenges, story telling, drawing, treasure hunts, word searches and more.
I hope some of these fun wedding ideas will help to keep the little ones entertained during your bid day. We'd love to hear your experiences in the comments below.