25 Lenten Activity Ideas For Kids - Learn About Easter, Pray, Be Kind

Encourage children to learn about Easter, read bible stories, pray, be kind and generous to others with these simple and approachable 25 Lent activity ideas that everyone can join in with. Use these as a starting point to create your own activities and share them with those you love this Easter.

25 Lent Activity Ideas for Kids

As Lent is soon approaching it’s time to start to think about some easy ideas to help your little ones celebrate, engage and discover the Christian holiday. Below is a list of 25 of our favorite Lent ideas ; cheap, fun and wholesome ideas for you to use to start your own Lent activity jar. Jot each activity on a scrap of paper, put them all together in a jar and pull one out each day. Enjoy the activity, or prompt, together as a family. Better still, let us do the hard work for you and enjoy the 40 Lent activity cards that we have lovingly designed ; a mixture of activities, prompts for giving, prayer, opportunities for learning and more. Available to purchase below. 

25 Lent Activity Card Ideas for Kids

1. Read an Easter book.
2. Learn an Easter song.
3. Write down ways you can be a good fiend.
4. Learn how eggs symbolize the resurrection of Jesus and new life.
5. Read a Bible story as a family.
6. Research a Saint.
7. Read the story of the Last Supper.
8. Dress in purple and learn why purple is important.
9. Light a candle at Church and pray for someone you love.
10. Pray for those less fortunate.
11. Make a list of things you are thankful for.
12. Don’t eat anything sweet today.
13. Go a whole day without saying something negative.
14. Volunteer your time to help someone.
15. Create a Crown of Thorns and talk about it as a family.
16. Build a Lenten Cross.
17. Make a piece of art that represents Easter to you.
18. Make homemade pretzels to share.
19. Make a cross with objects you can find in nature.
20. Do something kind for the planet.
21. Donate some food.
22. Fill a box of toys to donate.
23. Do a chore with being asked.
24. Make an Easter basket for a friend.
25. Start a jelly bean jar. Earn a jelly bean for good deeds and sacrifices.

I'd love to hear about the Lent traditions you enjoy as a family, or at Church. Please do share them below :)

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